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Payment Notices - Have the stones been cast aside?

Date: Wednesday, 23 Mar 2016, 18:30 - 21:00 Location: The Holiday Inn - Maidenhead, Manor Lane, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 2RA Member cost: £0 (including VAT) Non-member cost: £0 (including VAT)


Payment under LDEDC Act 2009

Is this still a game of sudden death?

A seminar by

Robert A Sliwinski FCIArb FRICS FRSA

Barrister Chartered Arbitrator Adjudicator Mediator

Last year John Riches gave an entertaining talk on Payment Notices, whether they were cast in stone and a game of sudden death. The draconian effect of not issuing Payment or Pay Less Notices has led to some very difficult and some would say damaging decisions by adjudicators applying the judgements of the court. As 2015 rolled on the courts started to grapple with the effects of their previous judgements recognising that a degree of unfairness had crept into the payment process, but what could they do in the light of their previous judgements? Robert explains where we are now and how to avoid any possibility of an unjust and damaging decision should an interim or final payment be adjudicated.

Robert Sliwinski is a practicing barrister, chartered surveyor and among the leading private dispute resolvers based in the UK today with over 30 years’ experience of the construction industry with particular emphasis on all forms of private dispute resolution. Robert also spent six years as a solicitor specialising in construction and commercial disputes as the client’s representative which he continues to do today whilst still acting as the dispute resolver.

Robert is an accredited mediator, chartered arbitrator and dispute board member on several UK and overseas panels.