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Payment and Payless Notices

Date: Wednesday, 03 Jul 2024, 18:30 - 19:30 Location: Chorleywood Golf Club, Common Rd, Chorleywood, Herts, WD3 5LN-& Online Member cost: £0 (including VAT) Non-member cost: £0 (including VAT)

This is the third of a series of 3 separate, but linked, talks, aimed at busy practitioners running construction contracts. They will provide practical information for anyone who makes determinations and issues Certificates under JCT forms of Contract.

Speaker - Mark Thomas Dip Adj BSc MSc LLM FRICS FCIArb FAE, will speak about:-

• When is a contract formed?
• What does the Construction Act say about Payments?
• When should Payment Notices (‘PN’) be issued under a JCT contract?
• What constitutes a valid PN?
• When should Payless Notices (‘PLN’) be issued under a JCT Contract?
• What constitutes a valid PLN?
• Can a contractor’s application become the Notified Sum?

Cost: There is no charge to attend these talks. Guests and non-members are most welcome.